
Beginning of Life

Christian Medical & Dental Associations all rights reserved.

During fertilization, when a sperm fertilizes an ovum, two haploid sets of chromosomes are combined, resulting in a unique compilation of chromosomes. Except in the phenomenon of identical twinning, no other individual will possess this unique collection of chromosomes. The genetic encoding contained within these chromosomes determines and regulates the ongoing development of the embryo. Therefore, fertilization with this creation of a unique collection of chromosomes capable of directing growth and development represents the event in which the life of a new individual begins. It is for this and many reasons that we believe that beginning with fertilization, an unborn child deserves all the rights set forth in the Constitution, including the right to life.


The active termination of pregnancy has existed since 1550 BC, with the first documented abortion occurring in Egypt. The School of Hippocrates included the following prohibition against abortion in the oath named for him in approximately 400 BC: “I will not give to a woman a pessary to cause abortion.” The attitude toward abortion throughout its 3500-year history has varied from general acceptance to criminalization of the act, including the death penalty in certain circumstances. That range of perspective, except for the death penalty, remains today with the overall trend worldwide toward increasing cultural acceptance of abortion.


As healthcare professionals and those who believe that every life has intrinsic value created in the image of God, it is our duty to protect the lives of unborn babies.

Fact Sheets & Ethics Statements

Exposing the Myths of the Abortion Movement Using Their Own Data

Since the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision in June 2022, we have seen a resurgence within the pro-abortion movement to establish expansive abortion “rights” in as many states as possible. One major component of this increasing pro-abortion advocacy is a series of false claims regarding the normalcy and safety of abortion. Sadly, we have reached an era where manipulated statistics are sold as scientifi c facts, feelings are more important than truth and morality is viewed as personal opinion. It is essential to actively keep in the forefront of our minds that each woman who contemplates or chooses abortion is a person who has been known by God since the womb, is made in the image of God and is deserving of dignity and respect.


The active termination of pregnancy has existed since 1550 BC, with the first documented abortion occurring in Egypt. The School of Hippocrates included the following prohibition against abortion in the oath named for him in approximately 400 BC: “I will not give to a woman a pessary to cause abortion.”

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100 Percent Truth: Women’s Health Matters

Over the last year or more, pro-life healthcare professionals have taken to various media platforms to speak truth and dismantle lies surrounding emergency medical care that will, in fact, be provided to women experiencing pregnancy complications. The dangerous and medically inaccurate lies being spread by pro-abortion groups in the media have deadly consequences. Lies that a woman experiencing complications from an induced abortion will be prosecuted (not true—no states are prosecuting women for having an elective/induced abortion), or lies that pro-life state laws prohibit a physician from performing medically-indicated procedures during a medical emergency (not true—no state laws prevent a doctor from performing life-saving care whether in a pro-life or pro-abortion state). The mischaracterizations result in patients being harmed. The lies cause deadly confusion among healthcare professionals and patients.

Fetal Care Versus Fatal Cure

“Prenatal care has become the biggest barrier to postnatal life.” This lament by a dear friend who is a neonatologist points to the fact that it is often our attitude toward “the least of these” that determines their outcomes, and it is especially true for those diagnosed in the womb with developmental anomalies.

External Resources

Abortion Pill Reversal Talking Points

Every woman deserves to know the whole truth about abortion; that includes the facts about her unborn child and the choices she can make every step of the way.

Advocating Against Abortion in the States

As some states are passing laws to protect life anywhere from six weeks to 15 weeks’ gestation, other states are working to enshrine abortion “rights” into their state constitutions. Michigan and Vermont did so in November 2022. Abortion proponents in Ohio are moving closer to placing the issue on the November 2023 ballot. If you reside or practice in Ohio, we encourage you to sign up with Do No Harm Ohio to join our partners and other pro-life physicians to leverage your voice and dollars in the public square to advocate and educate against this proposed amendment. It is critical that pro-choice physicians, legislators, the church and young adults hear from you on this issue that will radically harm Ohioans. Florida, Georgia, Maryland, Missouri, New York, South Dakota, Texas and Virginia are among several states considering ballot amendments in 2024 to enshrine “reproductive freedoms” into their state constitution. Please consider how you should advocate against such amendments if you live in these states.

Hidden Epidemic: Nearly 70% of Abortions Are Coerced, Unwanted or Inconsistent With Women’s Preferences

Washington, D.C. – Amid a landmark legal case highlighting the dangers of mail-order abortion pills, a new peer-reviewed study shows that millions of U.S. women have experienced unwanted abortions. Nearly 70% of women with a history of abortion describe their abortions as inconsistent with their own values and preferences, with one in four describing their abortions as unwanted or coerced, according to the study published in the medical journal Cureus.

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