
Equality Act

August 30, 2022

Oppose Equality Act

  • Discriminates against persons of faith
  • Eliminates religious freedom protections
  • Mandates abortion participation
  • Overrides science and medical judgment
  • Replaces free speech with viewpoint coercion
  • Endangers and eliminates opportunities for girls and women

Equality Act: H.R. 5, S. 393​

  • The Equality Act threatens religious freedom and treats people of faith as bigots and lawbreaking discriminators, by disallowing application of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
  • The Act overrules medical judgment and science with government mandates, by enforcing compliance with a gender ideology that contradicts biology.
  • The Act amends and violates the original purpose of the Civil Rights Act, by adding individuals to protected classes on the basis of psychological and decisional factors rather than on the basis of immutable qualities such as race.

Bill Text Excerpts

  • Applies to many: “…any establishment that provides a good, service, or program, including a store, shopping center, online retailer or service provider, salon, bank, gas station, food bank, service or care center, shelter, travel agency, or funeral parlor, or establishment that provides health care, accounting, or legal services….”
  • Applies to pregnancy: “The term ‘sex’ includes—(A) a sex stereotype; (B) pregnancy, childbirth, or a related medical condition….” “…(with respect to sex) pregnancy, childbirth, or a related medical condition shall not receive less favorable treatment than other physical conditions….”
  • No faith exemptions: “The Religious Freedom Restoration Act shall not provide a claim concerning, or … a basis for challenging the application or enforcement of a covered title.”
  • No biology: “…by inserting ‘(including sexual orientation and gender identity),’ after ‘sex,’ each place that term appears….”
  • No dissent: “…discrimination against a married same-sex couple could be based on the sex stereotype that marriage should only be between heterosexual couples.”
  • No protection: “…an individual shall not be denied access to a shared facility, including a restroom, a locker room, and a dressing room, that is in accordance with the individual’s gender identity.”

What the Equality Act Would Do

This bill would change the definition of “sex discrimination” from its historical basis in biology (i.e., male/female) to instead include subjective ideological factors such as gender identity and sexual orientation. The bill would impose legal penalties against anyone who does not share this ideology. It would:

  • Penalize health professionals who decline, on the basis of medical research and/or ethical convictions, to participate in gender reassignment surgeries or hormonal treatments for children or adults.
  • Mandate opening up girls’ and women’s locker rooms, domestic abuse shelters and other facilities to biological males who identify as female.
  • Put females at an unfair physical disadvantage in sports, forcing them to compete against biological males who identify as female.
  • Eliminate for all Americans the application of Religious Freedom Restoration Act faith, conscience and speech protections.

To stop Congress from passing this incredibly dangerous bill, use this editable message. Feel free to mention your own qualifications (e.g., parent, healthcare professional, educator, etc.), views and experience. Thank you for taking the time to take a stand.


What Health Professionals Say

“We oppose this bill as health professionals who endeavor to treat all patients with respect and compassion, in accordance with sound medical judgment and ethics.” ‒ Freedom2Care and Christian Medical Association

“Just as my conscience requires me to treat the women in my care as I would want to be treated, it also requires me not to do things to them that are immoral or against my best medical judgment.” ‒ Dr. Regina Frost

“I serve all patients, no matter their background, religion, political views, sexual orientation, or socio-economic status.” ‒ Dr. Joy Draper

“National polling shows nearly all health professionals of faith like myself care for all patients in need, even when we cannot validate their choices. Conscience protections are vital to our practice of medicine.” ‒ Dr. Andre Van Mol


Additional Resources

Senate Hearing: March 17, 2021

“When gender identity is privileged over biological sex, females lose. It’s that simple.” ‒ Attorney Mary Hasson, EPPC

“Just last week, after the Washington Correctional Center for Women began housing prisoners according to gender identity, half a dozen men transferred into the women’s prison. One of the inmates raped a female in the women’s prison upon arrival.” ‒ Journalist Abigail Shrier

“The Bill also sneaks in a mandate that healthcare professionals must assist with gender transitions and abortions, even if they cannot do so consistent with their religious beliefs or best medical judgment.”

House Hearing: April 2, 2019



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